Friday, October 31, 2008

Observation 3: October 30, 2008

From 1:15ish till 2:15ish p.m., I observed most of the same algae as last week and a lot more protozoan creatures. This is probably due to the food pellet that was added, according to, Thursday October 24, 2008. Specifically, it was a "pellet of "Atison's Betta Food".... made by Ocean Nutrition, Aqua Pet Americas, 3528 West 500 South, Salt Lake City, UT 84104. Ingredients: Fish meal, wheat flower, soy meal, krill meal, minerals, vitamins and preservatives. Analysis: Crude Protein 36%; Crude fat 4.5%; Crude Fiber 3.5%; Moisture 8% and Ash 15%."

The first organism I could identify was a Vorticella, which closed up its form when we tapped the glass of the aquarium. Below is a picture, taken in the mid / upper level of water, near the moss plant, Amblystegium varium.

Later I could identify a type of Gastrotrich, though I'm not sure whether it's a chaetonotus or a different type (Rainisk and Russel, 1996). He was a steady-paced little fellow, kind of hard to keep track of. Below are photos, taken in the same area of the aquarium as the vorticella. Later, I may be able to post a video clip following the Gastrotrich.

Lower in the aquarium, closer to the sediment, I saw what I believe was an Entosiphon, referencing Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa (Patterson 2003). It is a unicellular organism with two flagella, both of which whip around (versus one dragging behind) for its movement.

In multiple areas I identified Halterias, small but quick-moving ciliates, by referencingGuide to Microlife (Rainisk and Russel, 1996). Below is a photo with the Halteria labeled near a clump of presumably organic material close to the mud layer of the aquarium.


In my last blog entry, I noted this diatom, Scendedesmus, which, again, reminds me of the look of stacked grana in a plant. At last, I took a picture of the organism, in the same clump of matter that I photographed the Halterias.

Finally, my fascination for the day was a creature I sadly didn't get time to identify (though you can bet I will). Earlier, when I was observing small worm-like microorganisms along the moss plant, a huge shadow darted across the screen, and when I refocused, I snapped some images featured below. I'm naming it Spike, for now, (and the worms I'll call Floatsome, after the eels on the Little Mermaid). It moves fast, changes direction easily and quickly, and has a remarkable tail-structure. I think I filmed it, and if so, I will post when available.

Crystal and Angel
Further unidentified organisms include a stationary object with a crystal / star shape and purple hue that was hard to focus on in the microscope. I'm calling it Crystal, and have an image below, photographed near the clump of organic material mentioned here for the third time (I'll call it The Clump #2). Then, there was nearby organism, possibly unicellular, with a unique shape that reminds me of the body of an angel fish (minus the fins, that is), and I did manage to film and photograph it, though the image is blurry due to the creature's steady motion. I'm naming it Angel until identified.

And that's all this week, folks. Wish me Bona Fortuna in correctly identifying some of creatures.

Rainisk K.G., Russel B.J. 1996. Guide to Microlife. Danbury (Connecticut): Franklin Watts. p. 96, 106, 175-178, fig. 32, 78.

Patterson DJ. 2003. Free-Living Freshwater Protozoa a Colour Guide. Washington D.C.: ASM Press.

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